Our Principal
Dear Washington Families,
It is my pleasure to introduce myself as Washington Elementary's principal. I have been working for the School District of Janesville for the past 18 years and my role here began in July 2019. Prior to accepting the position at Washington, I served for 6 years as the assistant principal at Edison Middle School and served as a teacher and dean of students at Franklin Middle School for 12 years.
At Washington, our goal is to provide a safe learning environment that engages students while challenging them to achieve at high levels. We believe that all students can learn and we work to ensure students receive high quality learning experiences each and every day. We also understand the importance of relationships and place great value on partnerships with families. I'm excited to be part of the Washington community and look forward to working with the students and families of this school. Please feel free to contact the school at 743-7205 if you have any questions or concerns.
Matt Peerenboom, Principal